Na'd fi Iesu fyn'd yn w'radwydd

(Gweddi am gynnaliaeth a nerth)
Na'd fi, Iesu, fyn'd yn w'radwydd
  I ynfydion gwâg y byd; 
Na'd fy nwydau fod yn chwerthin
  I d'elynion di ynghyd:
    Gair o'th enau
  Ddeil fy ysbryd llesg i'r lan.

Mil sy'n disgwyl,
    myrdd fydd lawen,
  Wel'd fy enaid gwan dan draed;
'R hyn i mi fydd ddwfn archoll
  Iddynt hwy sy'n llawn iachâd:
    Ond mae d'allu
  'N llawer mwy nag uffern fawr.

Ac er cryfed yw y maglau,
  Er cadarned yw y swyn,
Er mor fynych temtasiynau,
  Ac er gwaned wyf i'w dwyn;
    Ni chaf golli
  Dim o'r goron, dim o'r dydd.

Dychwel im gysuron gloyw
  Fel y dyddiau goreu erioed;
Gad im gerdded, fel yn fachgen,
  Etto unwaith wrth dy droed;
    A chael aros
  Dan dy gysgod nos a dydd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Hapus Dyrfa (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
St Hildebert (alaw Regoraidd)
Watford (Salmydd Genefa 1561)

gwelir: Rho gydwybod wedi ei chànu

(Prayer for support and strength)
Do not let me, Jesus, become the scorn
  Of the vain fools of the world;
Do not let my passions be the laughter
  Of all thy enemies:
    A word from thy mouth
  Shall hold my weak spirit up.

A thousand are waiting,
    a myriad shall be joyful,
  To see my weak soul under foot;
That to me shall be a deep wound
  For them who are full of health:
    But thy power is
  Much greater than great hell.

And although so strong are my snares,
  Although so firm is the enchantment,
Although so frequent temptations,
  And although so weak am I to be led;
    I shall not lose
  The crown, or the day, at all.

Return to me radiant comforts
  Like the best days ever;
Let me walk, just as a child,
  Once again, at thy foot;
    And get to stay
  Under thy shade night and day.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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